The healing ministry focuses on walking in love with those in crisis or those in need of a listening ear. We are simply "wounded healers" well aware that we cannot "fix people." We simply take the hand of another, bring them to the holy place within where Jesus, the Healer, can apply the healing balm to their hurts, and they can experience God's tremendous mercy. It is our joy to see much healing and many conversions.
Mini prayer sessions, also called wall prayer are provided after healing masses, retreats, workshops etc. These sessions typically last ten to fifteen minutes. These sessions are guided by 2 prayer ministers who listen to the beloved in need and facilitates the conversation between them and Jesus through prayer. Due to the shorter time, only one concern or prayer request is generally addressed.
Healing Prayer Events
Full prayer sessions are Monday afternoon or evening or Wednesday morning or by appointment if possible. These sessions typically last one hour and are more in-depth than a mini-session. These sessions are guided by two scheduled on call prayer ministers who listen to the beloved in need and facilitate the conversation between them and Jesus through prayer. More time is given to the concerns and prayer requests helping the person come to greater healing.
Healing Prayer Sessions
Prayers that help our wounded emotions and memories; our disordered emotions, such as rage or anger, extreme sadness, anxieties, etc that are out of hand or control us.
Deliverance is the coming against the evil spirits that have attached themselves to us in our woundedness. It is removing the power of the lies so that we can hear the voice of our Father that has always been speaking within. Knowing the Father through the Son is our place of deepest freedom. It is where broken humanity is healed. Therefore it is prayer that helps deliver us from a place of darkness(realm of enemy) to a place of light (realm of Jesus).
JPII Healing Center - I AM prayer ministry training
Encounter School of Ministry
Christian Healing Ministries
For further information on MOGPC prayer ministry contact Dcn Rod and Cindy Reyna at [email protected]